Digital transformation
Digital transformation is the ‘seamless, end-to-end connectivity of all areas of the economy’ and is occurring in four key areas: digital data, automation, connectivity and digital customer access.
Different technologies (such as artificial intelligence), products (such as drones), and services (such as remote maintenance), make up the digital transformation. Businesses can leverage these new avenues of digital transformation to their advantage. By using enablers, they can gain access to their consumers, interact with them and harness their data. Consequently, businesses can make informed decisions in developing propositions to answer consumer needs.
Digital Data
Digital data The capture, processing and analysis of very large amounts of data enable better decision-making and predictions. Enablers are the Internet of Things, Big Data and wearables. Propositions are data-based routing, predictive maintenance and forecasts of demand.
Automation Traditional technologies combined with artificial intelligence are driving an increase in systems that work autonomously. Enablers are robotics, AI and additive manufacturing. Propositions are autonomous vehicles and drones.
Connectivity Products and the whole value chain are interconnected via networks to synchronise supply chains and to reduce production lead times and cycles of innovation. Enablers are broadband and cloud computing. Propositions are smart factories, remote maintenance and pure digital products.
Digital customer
Digital customer access New intermediaries have direct access to customers via the mobile internet, enabling them to offer new services, choices and transparency. Enablers are social networks, mobile internet and apps. Propositions are e-commerce, infotainment and fourth-party logistics.
Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash